The Investors Club was founded in 1985 when some enterprising students from the University of Alberta's Faculty of Business sought to establish a club on campus dedicated to promoting a greater awareness and understanding of securities markets. From this inception, the Investors Club grew quickly to over 150 members in 1987, and eventually became the single largest business student group on campus, boasting a student membership of over 300 members. With annual events including frequent speaker sessions, the mock market simulation and an investment career forum, the Investors Club served as a direct link between motivated students and Investment professionals throughout Alberta for over 20 years.
In 2010, the Investors Club was broadened in scope to include the numerous areas of finance beyond that of pure investing, and the club was consequently rebranded as the Business Finance Association (BFA) to reflect this. We hope to educate students on the various career paths available to them within the vast world of finance, bridge communication between the student body and the finance industry, and provide a conduit through which like-minded students can expand their peer networks.​
Co - President
Rachana Bindiganavily
Co - President
Aryan Panwar
VP Academic
Wolke Cueva
Academic Director
Sebastian Castillo
VP Internal
Suman Verma
Internal Director
Konrad Kulikowski
VP External
Owen Clark
External Director
Vaylou Vinayagasothy
External Director
Anureet Kaur
VP Events
Sidak Gill
Events Director
Lavansh Sethi
Events Director
Brandon Choi
VP Finance
Travis Nowak
Finance Director '
Daniel Bailey